Crackpots – From Broken to a New Beautiful.

Crackpots – From Broken to a New Beautiful.

I believe that everyone has experienced being wounded at some point in their lives. Some people are a bit more fragile, like a delicate tea cup made of fine porcelain, but even robust stoneware pottery is not impervious to cracking or breaking.

Golden Bowl of Light  

In this busy world of go getters one can rush past the everyday things, the seemingly ordinary, which are often dubbed as pests, weeds or nuisances.
I have come to really appreciate my position in life, as a creative and an empathetic person I have cherished the luxury of spending many precious moments observing and appreciating whatever presents itself onto my path.  
That’s why I collect all sorts of things such as twigs, various seed pods, shells (including egg shells) pebbles, dried flowers, leaves and even tomato stems. These things are often crushed or tossed aside as dead or trash and composted, but as I observe them, hold them, ponder them, I am filled with a sense of awe at the perfection of all Creation.  

In February one year, while we were going to prepare our greenhouse for planting I discovered that we had not cleared out all of the dead plants from the fall harvest. Sometimes allowing things to happen naturally brings joyful surprises. In this case there were some cucumber leaves that were folded and hanging from the stalk. They were so beautiful and delicate yet with spiky little prickles on them. I loved the golden color and the translucency of the leaves, but also the way in which it was folded. It inspired so many ideas in my mind, like an ethereal echo of a once glorious ball gown or a partially folded, long abandoned fan, a delicate vessel and a plethora of other captivating imaginings came to mind.  This is why I keep these kinds of things, they remind me of how everything in life has a purpose, and a longing to be seen.
Even those souls among us who cry out without voice, they are the ones who have been cracked and injured. If we look we can see that they are beautiful, and vital to our magnificent human race, appreciate them, love them, nurture them, and as you do you nurture yourself.  

One tradition of bringing out the best through the brokenness is a practice called Kintsugi. This is a 500 year old Japanese art practice which teaches that broken objects are not something to hide or throw away but they are to be displayed with pride and even to be cherished.Wounds are the cracks in our souls and we recognize those who have been wounded in many different ways. We can touch the abrasions, embrace the imperfections and bring out the natural splendor that lies inside the brokenness. 

Years ago when I was a young teen in grade 10 our Psychology class went to the “Psych ward” at the hospital. The hallway was long, I remember the shiny floor with the sun streaming in from distant windows at the end of the corridor, it shone so radiantly that it was blinding. 
Walking down the hallway felt as though I was walking through a display case because each of the patient’s rooms were exposed by the large windowed walls. Inside those windowed walls were beds and people, the entire set-up felt invasive and offensive, I felt it was wrong for us to be peering into their space.
Some of the people in those rooms were nurses and doctors and it was strikingly obvious that these people were deemed “broken” in some way. There were flapping arms, rocking back and forth and some just laying still, others were wandering aimlessly or just sitting still staring blankly. I was deeply moved as though nothing else in this world mattered. I had a very difficult time even looking in through the windows because I felt it was intrusive of me to do so and wrong or impolite somehow. 

My thoughts were soon interrupted because I could hear what was happening inside the hallway with some of my classmates. There was a lot of laughing, a lot of pointing and exclamations about what they saw and worst of all they were speaking about those patients as if they were objects and not human beings and undeserving of respect or even average social etiquette. I felt an enormous amount of shame and sadness, I suddenly stopped walking and could not hold back the tears.  
When our teacher realized that I wasn’t with the group he came to me and asked why I was crying. I told him that I was embarrassed and ashamed of the other students for laughing, pointing and their insults, mockery and comments. I didn’t know it at that time, but I had been on the receiving end of their cruel behavior and sharp tongues throughout my years in public school—I naturally identified and empathized very readily with the patients. I knew how they must be feeling hurt and rejected and I thought “It’s not their fault!” I wanted to shout it out and make my classmates stop, but I knew it wouldn’t. 
In the end our teacher assured me that I had no need to cry or be angry at my classmates because as he put it, they laugh and point because they are so uncomfortable that they don’t know how else to respond to that situation. I had never thought of that and it made me realize that even the seemingly “whole” are cracked and broken. 

Wounds are cracks in our souls and when we see a crack in a wall or in some object, that crack is made visible because it allows the light to shine through. The Kintsugi art practice fills cracks in the clay pottery with gold.
Gold is a symbol of wisdom, authority, compassion, radiance, wealth, purity and light. 

I learned about Kintsugi, filling the cracks of pottery with gold, in the ’90’s while I was attending the Alberta College of Art and Design. Clay is a vulnerable material and there are so many factors that can contribute to cracking and breakages. During those years I would spend the majority of my time making large, fragile, intricate hand-formed and carved vessels. Some of those vessels were large bowls shaped and carved to emulate flowers. The vessel I am sharing here was cracked while being fired and knowing the art of Kintsugi I decided to work with this one and fill the involuntary opening with a vein of ‘gold’ —a reminder of the light.

Being a student at that time the only gold I could repair it with was imitation gold paint which was painted onto a type of grout which I lovingly filled into the crack. Does that make it less valuable? No, not in my eyes. It’s been many years since I have been able to work with clay and I have very few pieces left from those days and so I do cherish this bowl. 

My final thought is let the light shine into your cracks, we all have them and we also possess golden veins of love, compassion and light which connect us all. Next time you see into the cracks of others pour some golden love and light into them, it does us all good.  

Bee Free

Dreams, in my experience, are mostly a jumble of disconnected sounds, images and sometimes feelings, but every once in a while I have the privilege of receiving, what I call, divine or supernatural messages from Creator.

Those are the dreams that I pay attention to and to the best of my ability I record times, dates, feelings, sounds, colors, positions of things or people and of course the event or series of events as well as what I have been doing in this physical life. They are the type of dreams that appears to go on for a very long time, it seems as though I’ve always lived in that realm, time is not the same, maybe no longer existent but there is a faint recognition of time, often in the dreams none of that matters.

I have often wondered why I have those types of dreams, are they meant just for me, a personal training course, or are they to be shared? Will they possibly serve or help someone else? Maybe I am supposed to make them public in case it is a piece of the greater puzzle? Maybe they are simply intended to be of service to someone as an inspiration or just to say “You are not alone.”

It’s been quite a long time since I have had those types of spiritual dreams, until recently. I used to have them so often and didn’t know what to do with them so at the time all I could do was record them in a journal— I’m so glad I did because those are the treasures I’m going to share on this blog.

I have been through a wilderness for the past 4 years after my oldest daughter passed away and I’ve been doing the work which often felt as though I was trying to climb out of a slimy, wet, cold, pit and I kept slipping back in. 

Deciding to share my stories, dreams and visions on this blog is like taking my most treasured possessions out of their shielded container to share them with the world.

I believe that the most direct interpretation of my Bee and Mud dream is partially about letting go of the past and even though the old messages, or rather, programming stings I must decided to continue moving forward and create a new future based on what I would like my life to be as opposed to what others said it was or what it should be and all of those stinging “shoulds” and “shouldnt’s” which always accompany the controlling messages. After reading about the symbology of bees I think there may be many deeper messages layered throughout and these layers are likely to feed me later on in times when I’ll need encouragement I expect.

In symbology bees are often used to denote hard work and industry, but the bees seem to gladly benefit others, their honey in it’s natural, raw state is extremely healing. Honey never spoils and one is able to sustain life for a time on honey and water. Honey has many medicinal properties for the benefit of all who trust in natural medicine.

“It’s interesting how, according to some traditions, bees were associated with Divine or ‘other world’ messages, the soul, and heaven. In European folklore, it was believed that bees and eagles were the only members of the animal kingdom with access to heaven.  The Bible is rich in symbolism, and references refer to the the use of bees to ‘drive away’ foes, and honey as a symbol of abundance and reward. The Greek philosopher Pythagorus believed that the souls of the wise and ingenious passed into the bodies of bees1.” [Source of the statements in this paragraph is found in the hyperlinks]

In this dream I was standing in front of a barren landscape which consisted of deep, thick mud and sky. I knew that it was necessary for me to walk through the mud and I was aware that there were other “people” with me but they were just outside of my periphery, I sensed their presence and I could see a faint ethereal form. I began to step into the mud which was deep sometimes even up to my knees. Every step I took my feet were stung because some of the bees dove directly into the mud. I felt amazement at the bees unusual behavior and I was aware that I was being stung but it didn’t really hurt. When the smallest one stung beside my right eye I questioned out loud “Why are the bees committing suicide?” knowing that bees usually die after they’ve stung and that it is their defense mechanism to be used only in extreme, life saving situations. I could see the swarm of bees around me and in front of me, some were very small the size of a small almond and one was as big as my hand which I assume was the Queen Bee, she was in the center and never stung nor did she dive into the mud, there were others who followed her lead as well. As a potter and ceramic artist and a woman of faith, I know that mud otherwise known as clay—the earth, is the essence of life along with water.

The atmosphere in this dream was silent, and peaceful other than the odd behavior of some of the bees. It was a clear sky and the air was still and quiet which, in my experience in this waking life, has been associated with death, but in my dreams it is associated with peace, tranquility and freedom.

After much pondering and discussing this dream with those I trust I had an epiphany as to the meaning. According to some interpretations bees in a dream are most often a positive sign but much of it depends on the emotions and context of the dream as well as what’s going on in the waking life. Dreams and dream interpretations are personal, so there is never one cut and dry answer. However, analyzing the emotions I felt during the dream can shed light on what the dream is trying to tell you.

The fact that I was amazed and questioned why the bees were “committing suicide” and that there was one queen bee, but no hurt when stung signifies that this is not a negative event nor a warning of danger but more like a small pinch punctuating every step through the mud. Possibly it could signify that the ethereal beings were either remnants of past negative beliefs that has kept me bogged down or maybe they are ethereal taking on a vapor of human form or in the form of bees telling me that I need to get out of the mud, stop dwelling on the past or cease from allowing those old messages to control my step in this present time. Stop playing small and build the future, step into my purpose. I’m sure there are many layers to this dream and as I go over it I sense so many other possible meanings, I think this is going to take some valuable time to go through and right now I am working on a painting for it and will post it once it’s done.


It is with such a sad heart I announce that my dad has passed away—Wednesday May 24, 2023. I believe he is now with my daughter, my mom and my sister. It is such a painful thing to lose those that we love from this physical world, no more celebrations, dinners, hugs, laughter or just enjoying time together talking. While we do believe that they are in a good place, we sorely miss them.

This post about my dad resonates so much more deeply now than ever before. If you are having challenges and obstacles with the people you truly love, then now is the time to forgive yourselves and them, now is the time to appreciate them, now is the time to exhibit your love for them. Nothing can be more devastating that losing someone you love while there is a chasm between you.
You both need love—it is the most powerful healing force so set aside your differences and forgive, start over, love is the key. Find it and always remember it.


Gratitude “Gratitude”

It is so interesting to me that just by simply being grateful, one is able to move themselves closer to a healing state, able to remove stress, attract prosperity, calm themselves down, come out of depression, be joyful and even affect others in a positive manner. has done some amazing research into understanding the heart and it is so inspiring for me because I see such great potential in not only helping and healing ourselves and our loved ones, but I see great potential in healing other people, blessing others, lifting others up…and why wouldn’t we? 

My dad and mom raised 9 children, in those days there were many large families and I am so happy and thankful that I was raised in this one. Some of the things that I remember my dad teaching us is to always be kind and caring, loving and compassionate, sharing and…

View original post 549 more words


J.J. said that “…freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose…”

To me freedom means that I can choose live (and love) unconditionally…some would say that’s not possible, maybe it’s not for some, but it is a great goal and I believe I am getting stronger and better at it everyday. 🙂

If I love unconditionally that means that no matter what is happening around me I will not allow it to steal my joy. My joy is not dependent on my circumstances. I can always reach for the thought that feels best to me in the moment and choose to stay the course, choosing one good feeling thought that leads to another good feeling thought; then I gather momentum with the good feeling thoughts, and then those thoughts actually turn to good feelings. (keep reading you will see my explanation below)

What I have been discovering is that when I keep that series of good thoughts going (momentum), then I keep the series of right feelings going as well and as a result it becomes easier and easier to ride that wave no matter what comes my way.

When I can find joy in the smallest things, it is then easier to pull out of a downward spiral; it doesn’t have to be something big to lift me into joy. I know that every time we think a thought that is good or happy or a thought of appreciation, then my brain (and yours) is creating chemicals that make me/us feel good, happy and appreciative. I also know that if I think a judgmental, bad, or negative thought that my brain makes chemicals that get me feeling that way too. The judgmental, negative thoughts are self destructive and that is why we want to be filled with compassion, love and joy because we want to, not only love ourselves, but love others as well and this is what the world needs most.

So knowing this is very empowering and knowing that we can train our minds and grow new neurological connections, moulding our mind, to be uplifting, loving and creative reminds me that we were given power, love and a sound mind.

It feels so good to love and encourage others and it costs nothing; don’t you agree?

This little painting is of a sparrow (another awesome symbol) in flight.
I have always loved birds and to hear them sing gives me such a sense of freedom and because of this I often listen to tracks of just birds signing while I’m painting…I’m as free as a bird 🙂 You can go to the link below to hear what I listen to.

Please click on my Vimeo account with that little icon in the bottom right hand corner; I would be so thankful if you commented and shared on there too because even though many have seen this video, it isn’t showing that on Vimeo. 🙂

Freedom, love and respect to you.

Videos of Paintings


Well I have been a busy bee painting and making videos. I am planning some online classes that I am going to launch soon. In the meantime I have been busily creating videos of paintings that I did some years ago. I recorded the videos because I had intended on doing these online classes all along but never got around to dong it.

You can contact me via my website.

I am actually very excited about creating these classes and I am looking forward to seeing what kind of paintings I will do as well as the paintings my students will do.

I would really appreciate if my work could be shared.

Thank you so much.

Here is the link to the latest video on my channel:


Fall Paintings



Again another season gone…all too soon. Switching gears seems to take extra time in my world.

This fall I was very blessed to be able to take part in the Bragg Creek Plein Air Festival.

You can look up Bragg Creek online, it is a sweet place to be. The people are lovely and the art community is alive and well.

This weekend (October 6,7,8, 2017) is the opening show for the art that came from the cold, rainy, slushy, invigorating, paint out last weekend.

Here is the link:

Happy Autumn to all of you!


Red Poppies

I have been working many hours to ensure that my artwork is visible in may places on the internet. One such place is Fine Art America. I am sponsoring this page to see if it will indeed make my painting available on the first page of the search for Red Poppies.

Won’t you help by clicking on my link to see if I am there? 


<a href=”” style=”font: 10pt arial; text-decoration: underline;”>red poppies art art for sale</a>


Thank you so much for your support and for those of you who share, I am deeply grateful. 


Here is a detail view of a portion of my painting and my profile link. cropped-completed-poppies-in-oilcroppedforcard-2dsc_5495.jpg


I want to share my experience with my website provider FASO. Today I decided to rework my website and add a category of new work. Everything was going great until I made a huge error and messed up my entire website. I immediately asked for help from their Customer Support staff, and as usual I was helped right away. I usually choose one specific person to work with (a nice option to get to know the staff) her name is Becky. Becky makes you feel like you’re talking with a helpful friend and I like that. Not only did she immediately put everything in order, but because she perceived that I was experiencing some amount of stress so she helped by making the website categories the way I wanted  and she shared some links that will help me in the future. 

I have to say that I really appreciate all the support that I have received from FASO which really is valuable to me. 

They offer a 30 day trial and are always supportive in that area as well. Here is a link if you want to check it out. 

Thank you FASO 


This is a result of my new work which I have been experimenting with. You can see  more on my page at

Research and Experimentation


Commitment and dedication are two words that I feel are synonymous with research and experimentation. I’ve decided to explore a new medium to work with, it is very stimulating for me and opens the floodgate of ideas.

The hours seem to evaporate in a day, a week and months…time is almost non-existent and dates which hold commitments and appointments appear all too quickly for me.

Meals, sleep, housework and all of life’s tasks tap, tap, tap on my shoulder, interrupting the flow of my creativity.  

“Soon”, I tell myself, “soon I will have completed a piece to my satisfaction…soon I’ll have resources to continue my research and then my attention can be more focused and less distracted with the mundane task of finances or all the other calls of everyday life.” “Then my attention can be on my work, family, remaining healthy and of course my research and creativity.”

Until then I spend as much time physically possible in the studio…after that I’m in my mind and dreams allowing the insight, the flow, the inspiration to carry me away in sleep for a few hours until the birds wake me up to a joyful beginning of another day which again slips by almost unnoticed.

My childhood dreams of creating… the peace compassion, love and joy found in that very serene space are my reality and I am filled to overflowing, urged to pour out the abundant quenching into a thirsty world.

That, to me, is ultimate. What image can I share??? Perhaps one of my experiments…this is a rough image but it gives an idea. I’ve done samples to see what I am able to do with my new found substance/medium. 🙂

I’m excited to share what I’ve been doing.

If anyone knows how I can obtain funding to enable me to work freely on my developments I would be so grateful to hear about it.

Thank you.


Precious Little Creatures Bring Joy Always

I find that if I start to feel overwhelmed or blue it’s a signal that I need to switch up my thoughts which, in turn, alters my mood.

One of my favorite audio recordings to listen to at those times is not jazz or dance music to change my mood…no, it’s listening to birds singing. I prefer to hear the common birds that I used to hear when I was a child playing outside. Chickadees, Robins, Meadowlarks, and finches were some of those birds. I will go online and find a soundtrack of those birds, then add the word `repeat`into the URL right before the dot com…that way I can listen for as long as I want. Here is an example:

Even when I am painting in the studio and I have had enough of the noise that`s always in front of us…I will put this on and relax. The next best thing is painting outdoors.

For those who are living near me, I am offering a painting class. I have a nice but smaller classroom available to me at Aliki`s Art House.

Here is my poster for that class. flyer-forBird =minus ph number99

I am also offering a Flower Painting Class, same price, same method, same times, whichever one fills up first.

If you would love to have these great experiences, I would love to have you. I like to think that am quite easy to work with and learn from…give it a go, I`m sure you`ll be happy that you did and who knows, maybe more opportunities will come from this. 

Have a fantastic day all. 🙂