

I’m an artist and a photographer. I love people and cultures, family, languages, and making art. I desire to achieve amazing photos and paintings of “love moments” that are meant to be remembered.


23 thoughts on “About

    1. Thank you Maryam, I enjoy reading your blog as well. The title of your last one is very much like my email signature. Life is fragile…handle with prayer. You are so right that life is so fragile and we all really do need to love while we can. All the best.

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  1. Hello, Heather—I see that you have visited my site and plan to follow. Thank you! Browsing your blog just now has convinced me to return the favor. I especially love the portrait of your daughter, and what you say about her. Then there is your explanation of your devotion to painting from life, with which I wholeheartedly agree. I have worked professionally as a calligrapher—words, poetry, are my passion—-and enjoyed doing some watercolor painting as an amateur. I look forward to following you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Cynthia, YES! I think that I will greatly enjoy your blog. Thank you for the visit and the compliments. I can tell that you know what I am talking about concerning the work, dedication and love that goes into a piece. I am not much of a writer, but I do write from the heart; I am looking forward to reading your posts too and who knows maybe some of your writing skills will rub off. 😉
      Talk to you soon, have a great day.


    2. I’m sad to have discovered that this lovely bright light has passed away. 😦 She was a prolific writer and such a joy of a person. I realize more and more every day that time is wealth and “spending” time with someone is the greatest gift for both parties. ❤ I am thankful for even the brief time I was able to connect with Cynthia but, of course, I wish I had spent more time in conversation with her.


  2. Hi Heather, I normally start at the “about” page of a new follower but got distracted along the way….So yes I came over here to say many thanks for the follow and to warmly welcome you aboard my humble wee blog. An honour to welcome you on inside. And now here I am truly admiring your work. trust me I do not automatically follow but here I am doing just that – I like your work and viewpoint…..MM 🍀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello John,
      That is quite a nice compliment, thank you so much. I don’t remember quite how I found your blog, but I am hooked on beautiful photography such as yours. I am truly touched that you like my work and thankful for the follow. I am by no means a writer, I’m just speaking from the heart. 🙂 …although sometimes it turns out well and even somewhat poetic which gives me a sense of accomplishment. I am happy to be a part of your blog and looking forward to the rich content.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your paintings, and the video on how you painted that vase left me speechless. Very inspiring! I am looking forward to following you on wordpress! Best regards, Trina


    1. HI Trina,
      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I’m glad you enjoyed the video of the beginning stages of that painting; if I were to post it in real time it would have been so long lol…I hope to post the finished painting soon. I have enjoyed your blog Trina, looking forward to spending more time there soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Alexandra, It’s my pleasure to follow your blog I enjoy your beautiful work. Thank you for the follow and comments. I’m sorry to disappoint you but I don’t speak German (nur ein paar Worte.) but I use Google Translate to read your page and respond so if it sounds not quite right you will know why. All the best to you.


  4. Hello Heather just came across your Blog and I follow! I love your work .I am an Artist and I love to interact with other Artists and inspiring people…you’re welcome to visit my Blog 🙂


    1. Hello Carolina, thank you for visiting and following, I’m so glad you like my work. I just saw your blog also, it is great, great, great to connect with other creatives. 🙂

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  5. Hi Heather, I’m becoming more and more of a fan everything new I see of yours (paintings and photos). Could you please point me to the video of the vase that Trina59 mentioned? I’d love to watch it!?


    1. Hi Kathy, That is so nice of you to say so, I’m glad you are enjoying what I do. I think Trina59 was referring to my last post https://heatherdawnfineart.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/a-record-of-life-captured-on-canvas/ I was recording this painting for this post…then life happened and I stopped. I will finish the painting soon so I can put the still life away but I won’t be able to record it now as I have dabbled on it here and there….but it’s all good because I know I will have other videos to share soon. Thanks for stopping by Kathy. 🙂


    1. Hi Tom, thank you and the same here, I enjoy looking at your blog too. It is always great to be connected with like minded people.


  6. Hi there Heather, I had to take a peek at your blog to see who had ticked a ‘like’ on my post. I am so glad I did. You are an accomplished artist making very beautiful works, and the person behind the paintbrush is in possession of a very beautiful heart. I love what you say and do. Thank you once again, Teri

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    1. Oh my, Teri, that is such a nice compliment, there is nothing better than to have a “beautiful heart” [ I am a mirror] you have blessed me beyond measure. I have truly found inspiration in your writings and I am so happy that I met you online…I believe we are all connected so it`s nice to have this type of connection too. It`s obvious to me that you, Teri, exude beauty and light and I’m happy it has reached over here and touched my life. ❤

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  7. I believe that our hearts connect no matter the distance. Perhaps in a similar way that trees send messages to each other. So happy to have connected with yours Heather.
    The poem ‘Benediction’ by Rabindranath Tagore is a lovely tribute to the heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I believe that too ❤
      I'm excited to read it.
      Have you ever heard of heartmath? The heart knows even before the mind does. I love it.


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