


Over the past years I have come to the realization that a painting is not just something captured on a board or canvas to look at. It is the experience that the artist has encountered, it is time which the artist has captured and held still onto the surface in order to be revisited over and over again. A painting to inspire, or stir up one’s emotions or speak out against tyranny…or simply is beautiful to behold are all meaningful and historical pieces ensuring perpetual discourse to as many souls as possible.

A painting or any other art work is antiquity, fleeting moments that are stilled and preserved for years to come.

This is a piece of the artist, drawing snippets and morsels from their life experiences that has brought them (me) to that particular point in time. What value can we place on that?

This is a session that I had with a beautiful young lady named Leah. She is a nurse who works for Pure North S’ynergy Foundation http://www.purenorth.ca/ she works so hard, most often at the homeless shelter http://www.theseed.ca/ starting in the wee hours of the morning in order to help the vulnerable before they head out the door for the day.

Leah is also co-founder of an orphanage called  Darja Foundation here is the link. https://www.facebook.com/darajafoundationinc?pnref=story  http://www.daraja.ca/

Daraja means bridge in Swahili, isn’t that lovely? Isn’t that what life is all about bridging relationships between fellow, flesh and blood human beings?  🙂

I met Leah at Pure North (which is another story for another time but please read about them, the founder of this program is a very generous and caring man Allan Markin) and have had the pleasure of spending time with her creating our artwork.

Leah lost all of her art supplies (among other things) in the Calgary flood that happened in 2013 and that is why she comes to paint with me at my studio. She paints her artwork while I paint her. We spend our time working and listening to music while we get to connect and share our experiences in life.

This thing called art has brought me in touch with a lovely young lady who has blessed my life.

Thank you Leah and thank you to all of you who stop by and take the precious time to read and comment.




4 thoughts on “Leah

  1. Your expression has moved my heart both in words and painting. Thank you for taking the time to listen and truly care about another individual. Often we rush through life without noticing the cues around us, ones that are calling us to reach out and connect to another life. You picked up that cue and allowed yourself to be open. Openness allows us to love, grow, and evolve.
    You welcomed me to your studio and I painted for the first time in over a decade. Time passed so quickly as our creative energies grew. I have gratitude for your kindess, your time, and for your openness.
    I’m looking forward to painting some more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Leah that is so beautiful… just like you, inside and out. I’m touched and blessed to have you in my little corner of this world. Thank you for taking time out of your full life to read my blog and comment.
      We humans often say, “let’s get together” let’s do this or that…but it doesn’t often happen because many do not take action on the words they speak…but you did, you accepted my proposal and followed through and it has made a difference for me, at the time I had no idea what a gem you are; I LOVE having you come over here…and if our plans are in harmony with the Maker of the Universe we will see each other tomorrow….oh yes creative energies …gotta love it. 😀


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